Register as New Patient
We are happy to provide services to anyone living in Pontefract and the surrounding areas. The only real constraint is whether it would be reasonable for us to provide a home visit service to the area where you live. Clearly if you live at a considerable distance, this becomes extremely difficult, and we may reluctantly advise you to register with a practice closer to your home.
To register with us, you can either:
- Call into the surgery for the appropriate forms
- Click on the New Patient Registration Form link below. This will open up the necessary form for you to complete and submit.
- Request us to send the form by post
We may ask for additional information or may ask you to come in for a new patient healthcheck to ensure any required tests are up to date and that we have an accurate note of any repeat medication you may be taking.
Medical treatment is available from the date of registration. Please contact the Surgery for further information.